
Vim plugins
Vim plugins

vim plugins
  1. #Vim plugins install
  2. #Vim plugins update
  3. #Vim plugins manual
  4. #Vim plugins full
  5. #Vim plugins code
vim plugins

This is the Vim plugin that integrates Vim with hdevtools. This is just like :reload in GHCi - with hdevtools you get the speed of GHCi as well as tight integration with your editor. hdevtools works by running a persistent process in the background, so that your Haskell modules remain in memory, instead of having to reload everything each time you change only one file. Hdevtools is a command line program powered by the GHC API, that provides services for Haskell development.

#Vim plugins code

stylish-haskell Haskell code prettifierĪLE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin for providing linting (checking syntax and semantics) in NeoVim 0.2.0+ and Vim 8 while you edit your text files, and acts as a Vim Language Server Protocol client.Ĭomes with linters cabal_ghc, ghc, ghc_mod, hdevtools, hie, hlint, stack_build, stack_ghc.haskell-vim Quote from : "It’s the filetype plugin for Haskell that should ship with Vim.".scout Hackage search tool with a Neovim plugin.vim-test A Vim wrapper for running tests (including Haskell) on different granularities.nvim-treesitter-textobjects Uses tree-sitter to add syntax-aware textobjects (supports various languages, including Haskell).nvim-treesitter Recommended for syntax highlighting.neotest-haskell A tree-sitter powered framework for interacting with Haskell tests in Neovim.telescope_hoogle Hoogle search from within Neovim.Follow haskell-language-server instruction to add support for completion, linting, formatting, go to definition, etc.

#Vim plugins full

  • coc.nvim Intellisense engine for Vim8 & Neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode.
  • Aims to bring the Haskell experience in Neovim on par and beyond that of Visual Studio Code.
  • haskell-tools.nvim Neovim plugin that sets up Neovim's native LSP implementation to use haskell-language-server and provides various other Neovim tools for Haskell development.
  • Using haskell-language-server with Vim.
  • Using haskell-language-server with NeoVim.
  • If you want to use the Haskell Language Server with Vim or Neovim, there are sections in the docs for that: A less feature-rich but stable solution is to have ghcid running next to the editor window as described in Haskell Language Server The provided template repo can be used to create a new user configuration repository on your GitHub account or cloned directly.There is a wide range of tools and corresponding VIM plugins that provide IDE-like features for Haskell development: haskell-language-server (implements the Language Server Protocol, thus needs a VIM LSP client), Intero, Dante, Codex, hdevtools and more. We have created a template repository for easily making a user configuration file: Astronvim/user_example To begin making custom user configurations you must create a user/ folder.
  • Language Server Protocol with Native LSP.
  • Statusline, Winbar, and Tabline with Heirline.
  • Common plugin specifications with AstroCommunity.
  • This is currently an experimental feature and may lead to instability until the next restart. Run :AstroReload to reload the AstroNvim configuration and any new user configuration changes without restarting.

    #Vim plugins update

    Run :AstroUpdatePackages ( pa) to update both Neovim plugins and Mason packages Reload AstroNvim ( EXPERIMENTAL) ​ Run :AstroUpdate ( pA) to get the latest updates from the repository Update AstroNvim Packages ​ Run :Lazy sync to update and clean plugins Update AstroNvim ​ Run :Lazy clean to remove any disabled or unused plugins Run :Lazy update to apply any pending plugin updates Run :Lazy check to check for plugin updates

    #Vim plugins install

  • Node - Node is needed for a lot of the LSPs, and for the node repl toggle terminal ( tn)Įnter :LspInstall followed by the name of the server you want to installĮxample: :LspInstall pyright Install language parser ​Įnter :TSInstall followed by the name of the language you want to installĮxample: :TSInstall python Install Debugger ​Įnter :DapInstall followed by the name of the debugger you want to installĮxample: :DapInstall python Manage plugins ​.
  • Python - python repl toggle terminal ( tp).
  • bottom - process viewer toggle terminal ( tt).
  • go DiskUsage() - disk usage toggle terminal ( tu).
  • lazygit - git ui toggle terminal ( tl or gg).
  • ripgrep - live grep telescope search ( fw).
  • Terminal with true color support (for the default theme, otherwise it is dependent on the theme you are using).
  • A clipboard tool is necessary for the integration with the system clipboard (see :help clipboard-tool for supported solutions).
  • Tree-sitter CLI ( Note: This is only necessary if you want to use auto_install feature with Treesitter).
  • #Vim plugins manual

    Nerd Fonts ( Optional with manual intervention: See Recipes/Customizing Icons).If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didnt have to compile their code. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved. It runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. If you are on AstroNvim v2.0 and are upgrading to AstroNvim v3.0 please see theĪstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins ⚡ Requirements ​ Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim created by Martin Grenfell.

    Vim plugins